Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Sudama Mark Kennedy
Spiritual Healer & Musician in Santa Barbara, CA


Spiritual Healer & Musician in Santa Barbara, CA


Sudama Mark Kennedy

Phone: 805-637-7362



Sudama Mark Kennedy, MA Religious Studies ABD
is a healer, spiritual teacher, musician, multi-instrumentalist, and a scholar and resides in Santa Barbara, CA.

Sudama has a gift for helping people release chronic pain and disease almost instantaneously. He employs numerous technologies and can awaken Kundalini energy in the patient. He spent many year in India with Swami Muktananda, Gurumayi, and has studied healing with Howard Wills and teachers in Hawaii. He is a doctoral candidate at UCSB in Religious Studies.

The Kahuna style of healing has survived in Polynesia for centuries and is very likely the legacy of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. Kahuna priests have been performing instant healings for centuries. The kahuna intuits and transmits the appropriate mana energy that brings balance to a dis-eased system. Usually there is a significant and immediate reduction in pain.

It can take several passes, but the negative charge is released significantly if not completely. Then the body finishes the repair work organically. There is a science to healing miracles. It clears out genetic debris that is no longer configured and aligns the electro-magnetic fields. You already know that love is the true heart medicine. There are ways to convert it into a scalar wave that works on multiple healing dimensions. This is also a kind of shaktipat in certain Indian yoga traditions.

There are numerous healing technologies that can liberate a person from genetic miasms and dysfunctional neuropeptide (the chemicals triggered by emotions) encodings. We can co-create our own custom heart medicine that can help us integrate our own unique situation historically, emotionally, psychically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. We can map our lives so that the messages from the body and the mind flow unimpeded. We can co-create positive realities, with help from the invisible, that bring more love and health to our environment and collective tribes.

This employs greater use of our right-brain intuition and its imagistic capacities and allows what Jung called the transcendent function to kick in. The left-brain can relax its control while the inner internet/heart vortex/assemblage point opens to the greater creative energy flow of our fuller potentiality, individually and collectively, as our genetic strands spiral into bliss.

In other words, you can feel great!!!!!! all the time!!!!!

Individual appointments in person or by phone 805-637-7362

Virtual Energy Healing & Meditation
with Sudama Mark Kennedy (Partner: HHC)

Tue, May 5, 4:30 PM–5:30 PM PDT

There are free tickets as well as tickets for $4.44 & $7.77
- first come, first serve

More Information & Signup

We will be doing an energy clearing & group healing meditation based on the energy of the group/collective. After that Sudama will address individual concerns and transact/direct readings & healings.

About Sudama Mark Kennedy: A United Nations award winning intuitive healer, shaman and musician residing in California, with a gift for rapid and often instant pain removal, connecting audiences and clients to a deeper experience of Self.

About WellSet: We are the first centralized platform to find & book wellness practitioners offering both in-person and virtual sessions across the country. We created WellSet to foster community, healing, and connection - our events reflect that ethos! Come and meet our team, our practitioners, our partners and each other for healing goodness. Sign up for WellSet now!

About HHC: Holistic Healer Collective assists the top healers, artists & thought leaders in the wellness industry as they develop and grow their business through representation, strategic services, and advocacy.

We are committed to the vision and needs of each, empowering them to bring their unique & powerful gifts to the world across multiple disciplines and platforms. Healers, thought leaders and conscious brands can now better focus on their mission while HHC grows their business. We are the facilitator, the connector, the opportunity maker.


United Nations Award

Sudama is the recipient of the "Lifting up the World with Oneness Heart" United Nations Award for his work. Other recipients of this award include Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Sting, Susan Sarandon, and others.

Classes with Sudama

A group of people zapping you with healing energy requires a unique kind of surrender, a letting go that heals in a unique way. Especially when we come to understand the full healing power of our hands and minds. They are superconductors. Boil out whatever’s keeping you from loving yourself. That’s the key.

Your problems will be downloaded to the ground and recycled organically.

Every Wednesday (unless specified otherwise on my voice mail message) from 7-9:30

RSVP 805-637-7362


*Editor's Note: I'm fortunate to have personally witnessed and felt the magic of Sudama's healing talents; in 5 minutes he "zapped" away a chronic pain in my neck/shoulder that had affected me everyday for the previous 10 years!!!
Thank you, Sudama!!!
- Al

Sudama's Four CDs are available: Including “Healing Zither” a 60 minute trance inducing healing zone that helps people fall asleep, distress, relax, give and receive healing and massage. $12

"Your Heart Just Knows" Sudama’s 2nd solo album with members of his band Dreamtime Continuum backing him up. Great for groove dancing and heart opening experience. Contains the folk anthem Green Evolution. It also features the tabla playing of Homnath Upadyaya, royal court musician from Nepal.

Sudama’s first solo album “Sudama” is very soothing and upbeat featuring the sax playing of Sapphron Obois. It has dreamy lullabies with exotic rhythms and instruments and poems by Rudyard Kipling from the Jungle Book with musical accompaniment.

It is Sudama's experience that the universe is an embodiment of divine power. It is his hope that his concerts be much more than just entertainment. He considers musical events to be spiritual opportunities to feel more alive and more connected to divine love.

Dreamtime Continuum – instrumental world fusion jazz.

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Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ~ 805-722-5729

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