Ojai Women's Retreat
Strengthen Your Immunity, Calm Your Mind, Revitalize Your Spirit with Yoga, Ayurveda, & the Alexander Technique
May 25-30, 2022
Presented by: Carol P. Prentice
Real Life. Real Tools.
For more information and to register:
www.Handson-Retreats.com • 805-798-3929
“Come discover a new path that will nourish your Body, Mind, and Spirit.”
Life is about change and the last 14+ months have changed all of us! From the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic with so many lives lost, unemployment, to the new ways we had to learn to adjust in our everyday lives. Not to mention the social unrest that happened around the world. How we move through change is so important. How we care and nurture, not only our friends and family but equally important is how we care for ourselves. Having good self-care practices, daily routines that lift us up and make us stronger from the inside, out. Plus, knowing ways that can reduce our stress and calm our monkey mind. Were you able to nourish and nurture yourself over the past 14 months? It was hard, right? Many of us experienced isolation, having to adjust to working at home, perhaps homeschooling our children, not seeing our elderly parents. So much change! As we get back to a new normal, as we get vaccinated so we can go out and visit people, not have to wear a mask, we also need to get back to our self-care routines. Practices that will improve your health, strengthen your immunity, improve your sleep, and allow you to move through life with more ease.
The three disciplines, Yoga, Ayurveda, and the Alexander Technique provide a time-tested answer to all of the challenges we are facing today.
Every day we are a new self, with new possibilities. This 5-day retreat is specially designed to teach you the art of unlearning—letting go of old patterns that have long since lost their usefulness—while introducing new skills and understandings to become more rooted in your daily life, aware of how to nurture yourself to better physical, mental, and spiritual health. After this time being sequestered and isolated, we can step into a safe space for the transition back to our normal lives~ stronger, healthier, and more optimistic for the coming year.
This year’s Ojai Women’s Retreat will focus on valuable practices of self-care and strengthening our immune system. You will learn how which foods, herbs, and lifestyle practices are right for you. How to calm and focus your mind when the outside world becomes too hectic, learning how to re-connect to your True Nature, that part of you that knows. Our true essence is always at peace if we will only allow ourselves to quieten and listen within.
I invite you to step away from your life’s usual demands and join me in beautiful Ojai and experience the magic that this amazing valley holds, and how the profound disciplines of Yoga, Ayurveda, and the Alexander. This year I will be hosting a smaller group to be able to give you a deeper connection to each of these practices. I am also asking that every woman be vaccinated before coming. This will help ensure that we can come together with more confidence.
The Retreat consists of:
- Daily breath-centered yoga classes
- Private Alexander Technique lesson
- Daily small group classes in postural re-education
- Discussions on the Yoga Sutras and how they apply to your life.
- Afternoon presentation on Ayurveda and its practical application to strengthening your immune system, nourishing your body, and maintaining your vital energy.
- Food as Medicine ~ how to create a diet that supports your body.
- Learn to cook healthy & Ayurvedic Cooking for your body type.
- Working with the 5 sense therapies ~ what ones are right for you!
- Powerful meditation practices that destress the nervous system.
- Discover the power of breath work (pranayama) ~ how it can balance your whole system.
- An evening discussion of ways to bring self-care practices into everyday living.
- An evening of fun and celebration at my home. Swimming, food, sharing and a closing ceremony to remember.
“The success of Yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships”
~ T.K.V. Desikachar
“When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct medicine is of no need.”
~Ayurvedic Proverb
More Retreat Information and Register